
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

photo album: summer two thousand and eighteen

I’ve spent the last week trying to think of one word to describe this summer. You know... so I can have a cute and simple title for this post. And believe me I’ve exhausted all possibilities. I just can’t find the right word to sum it up. Because it was insane. The best summer of my life. But it also wasn’t perfect like I’d spent every math class of sophomore year picturing it to be. I spent so long fully ready for this summer to be life changing. And it so was. Just not at all in the way I thought it would be. But that’s life!!! And that’s what I’ve learned this summer. It’s not going to go exactly like you think it will. Things are going to go wrong. We just have to learn to yell PLOT TWIST and keep going. (I saw that on pinterest. anyways.)

This summer was moments I never wanted to let go of. This summer was one of lessons. hard ones. This summer was like the blink of an eye. It was seeing sights I’d always dreamed of and making memories I’ll always cherish. This summer wasn’t at all what I thought it would be, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. And I just wanna share all the little moments that didn’t make it to instagram.

This was taken wellll before school let out and I could finally stop crying about ap tests. It was April but it was the first time it felt like summer and I want to talk about it okay. This night was sooo good. The kind of carefree fun you think only exists if you're indy blue. In this picture we were sitting on the lawn at the pavilion (my literal homeee) waiting to see Eric Church after buying tickets hours before. Some guy behind us said something hilarious I can’t remember and we could not stop laughing.(let's be real at that point anything was funny). We danced barefoot to songs we had never heard the entire night. I was only there for one song. My favorite song ever. Like worth the entire ticket price. Jess and Gab has both never heard of it but that!! song!! you guys it’s so good. My dad and I have been listening to it for years. I waited the entire night to hear it. (Its called Like Jesus Does and it'll change your life). But when he left the stage after singing his most popular song, I was sooo sad. Like CRUSHED. Like my ticket was a waste and I was out forty bucks. Okay that was a little dramatic but still. It was upsetting to say the least. But then it hit me!!! Of course there's an encore!!!! And the lights were still down!!!! This was my time baby!!!! He returned to the stage with an acoustic guitar and proceeded to give a speech about how cool it is that so many people can still come to together for music, despite how scary and dangerous it had seemingly become. Dudeee my heart. When he finished he stepped back from the mic and played the opening chords to- you guessed it- LIKE JESUS DOES. I don’t cry at concerts. I didn’t even cry at Harry Styles. But something about that night... I just lost it. My best friends had their arms around me the entire song while I sang every word with tears streaming down my face. And the whole time we were laughing at how ridiculous we must have looked. Moments like those!!!!  when nothing else matters!!!!! that's literally what life is about

This one was taken at my sixteenth birthday party. Look who’s stealing the spotlight as usual. I'm kidding. kinda. But seriously I felt sooo much love this night. What did I do to deserve such sweet friends?? I will literally never understand.

Okay this one is ROUGH. But the most genuine happiness you’ll ever see. This was taken minutes after Harry Styles had left the stage, and we had sat down on the floor of the pit after standing for almost five hours. Our day had consisted of waiting six hours in the houston heat, standing for two more inside the venue, and singing our hearts out to our favorite songs with our favorite person in the world. Right after he left the stage Lucy screamed “NOW THE REST OF MY LIFE IS GOING TO BE BORING” and if that doesn’t sum the night up for you then I don’t know what will.

Okay this one did make it to instagram but I just wanted to talk about this really sweet hug with one of my favorite people!!! If you don’t watch Olivia Jade on youtube I 10/10 would recommend. She’s an angel and this moment was really special to me.

Europe!!!! This whole trip still feels like a dream. This was on Grafton Street on our first real day of the trip. I'm gonna be honest here- I was so jet lagged our entire time in Dublin that I barely remember any of it. This picture was taken after a lotttt of coffee. but those smiles are so real. Even if I had to make sure I had sunglasses on so you couldn't see the bags under my eyes.

Buckingham Palace!!!! A total dream. But I really just like this pic because of the people in it. We had the besttt time on this trip and I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else.

TELL ME THAT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE A LITERAL DISNEY MOVIE. Shoutout to Tony (our bus driver who ended up having to mail my wallet from London to Scotland bc I left it on the bus) for waking us all up from our naps to see this view.

Me n grace cracking up at Myra's lame jokes behind the camera. This one makes my heart sooo happy. Bc I can't lie, this trip was rough at times. but we were SO happy here. Like just couldn't stop laughing.  Mannn I'd do anything to be there.

I took these on our first day in London and I just think they're cool and I could pretty much be a professional photographer. pls care. (are we close enough that you understand my sarcasm now?? lmk)

IHOB!!! My cousins have a cute lil tradition of eating full breakfasts at midnight every time we're together. It's so bad but its soooo good. For sure some of our all time favorite memories.

This is a picture I took our first night in Florida. The view from our condo was insaneee and I watched more sunsets that week than I had in a long time. I know every tumblr post ever says this but I never want to miss another one. It's this daily reminder of how amazing of an artist God is and is guaranteed to make your problems seem a heck of a lot smaller.

My best friend!!!! I think teenage girls are supposed to fight with their dads a lot more than I do. I mean we argue trust me but it's usually about like where to eat dinner. (also I think he lies to me that actually reads these entire things so this is going toward the end to see if he texts me about it.)

Y'ALL. THIS. NIGHT. actually changed my life. Niall freaking Horan knows how to put on a show lemme tell you. Grace cried like ten minutes in and I think Kate was holding back tears all night. Val and I held each other and SOBBED through the entirety of fools gold. Talk about emotional. We cried (like a lot) but we also had the most fun I'd had in so long. We danced to drag me down and laughed the entire time. I almost forgot to film anything because I was just enjoying it so much. and thats how you KNOW it was a good show.

Here's me saying something offensive to Court and my mama remaining unbothered. She's used to it.

Just including this to reassure everyone that my coffee addiction was v well fed this summer. I know you were all concerned.

Last but not least here's me and carls having actually so much fun in target. It's alllll about the people you're with I promise.

If anyone is actually still reading this, thank you for caring. u rock. 

Turning 16 in June feels like yesterday and now here I am writing this while I try to pick out an outfit for the first day of junior year tomorrow. Time is flyyying by and its low key scary. But its also teaching me how valuable every single day is. (notice how I said teachING. v much still learning). I am so so so so so grateful for each and every one of these experiences and each and every person I got to share them with. Like sooo grateful.

 Good luck at school tomorrow!!!! I know we all need it.

(did I mention I'm grateful)

thank u for reading I love u
xoxo em

ps. my summer video is coming very soon and I'm really excited about it so like if you wanna subscribe to my youtube uh feel free

"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire." - St Catherine of Siena

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