
Saturday, January 6, 2018

San Diego | January 2018

2018 is off to a fantastic start. I'm feeling really blessed and motivated to make this year a good one. 
I actually flew home last night from one of the coolest experiences of my life. California is one of my favorite places on earth, and getting to visit it this week was such a dream.

On Tuesday morning, I HOPPED OFF THE PLANE AT LAX (or SNA. same thing.) and immediately remembered why I love California- the weather. How is it always sunny and 75 degrees?? The Texan in me just can't understand. I flew with my two best friends, Jessica and Valeria, to see our friend, Melanie, who moved to San Diego a few months ago (she wouldn't take me with her when she moved. I was pretty offended). It was about an hour drive from the airport to where we were staying, so we filled up on in n out (which is a tad overrated in my opinion. whoops. sorry. leave your hate comments now.) and spent an hour screaming Snoop Dog's rap in California Girls at the top of our lungs with the windows down.

It was one of those "how is this my life" moments, as I like to call them. I had a lot of those this week. They're the moments that you look around realize how crazy and beautiful life is. How I ended up on the west coast screaming Snoop Dog lyrics? I have no idea. That's the kind of thing I'll be telling my grandchildren about one day, and in that moment I was so aware of that. I was so aware that I would miss it as soon as it ended. And that made me enjoy it that much more.

We spent the rest of the day taking pictures on the beach, riding the roller coaster at the little theme park down the road, and finding cute little ice cream shops (one of which we walked a mile to get to. totally worth it.) We were all so happy.

The next morning we grabbed acai bowls at a little cafe by the beach (it literally cannot get more california than that) before walking to the cutest coffee shop I have ever seen in my life (wait it just did). If you know me at all, you probably know that coffee shops are my favorite thing in the world. and walking to one from our cute little condo on the beach was HEAVEN. Another "how is this my life moment." The rest of the day was spent shopping at Fashion Valley Mall and having to exercise extreme self control every time we passed starbucks. what a basic problem to have. I know I'm sorry I can't help it.

Something I learned on this trip, besides that California is expensive, was that "southern hospitality" is such a real thing. People have always told me that everyone is so nice in the south compared to other places. Having lived in Texas my whole life, I never gave that much thought. But it really is true. It's not that people in California aren't nice people, because trust me they are, but its just a different vibe. Like people seemed so confused when I would smile at them on the street. Most people were nice once you talked to them, but it was so strange to have people caught off guard by us telling them to have a nice day. But those types of things are my favorite part about going new places. I love learning what people are like in certain places,and how its different from home. I think its so interesting how different the cultures can be, just over states within the US. And it makes me appreciate home so much more.

Our last full day in San Diego was by far my favorite. Melanie's family served us the cutest breakfast, and we ate watching the waves crash against the shore. "how is this my life" moment. After breakfast we walked to the same coffee shop again. Coming home, we laughed the whole time, stopped for pictures when it felt necessary, and talked about life. I think that was one of the happiest times in my life so far. To be surrounded by people I love, in a gorgeous place, and drinking coffee... my heart felt so full. I want to experience the little things like that forever. Later we went up to La Jolla (pronounced la HOI YA, for those of you confused by my  clever instagram caption) and spent the day exploring. We saw seals on the rocks, ate at the prettiest restaurant, and took full advantage of golden hour on the beach. It was pure magic. We laughed and danced and ran and admired how incredible God really made the world. Beautiful places that really remind how amazing of an artist God is. I will always remember standing on that beach, watching the sunset and the waves crashing against the rocks like The Little Mermaid and thinking... wow. I never want this to end. How did I end up here. I want to spend the rest of my life chasing moments like that. moments that I can't believe are happening and that I miss the second they end. I want to forever experience "how is this my life" moments.

When trying to plan this trip, it made me nervous. I was nervous to fly without my parents. I was nervous I would miss my family too much, or that something bad might happen. But for the first time, I didn't let it stop me. And I came home with the coolest stories and the biggest smile on my face. I hope to make this year full of experiences like that. Ones where I can stop worrying and just enjoy. 2018 is a year of living in the moment. (except for when I'm studying, mom!!)

I also have to say the biggest thank you to Mel and her family for giving me this experience. Thank you for making me feel at home in a place so far from it. It meant the world.

thank you for reading!! make sure to follow my blog with your google account in the sidebar:)
good luck going back to school, I think we all need it!!
&& check out my video if you haven't already<3
xoxo, em

"with His love, He will calm all your fears." Zephaniah 3:17

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