
Saturday, January 13, 2018


QUICK WARNING: this is the most random thing I have ever written. sleep deprivation at it finest. those of you who voted yes on my instagram story asked for it so you better be reading this. okay that's all. enjoy.

If I'm being honest here I'm only writing this because I just started Stranger Things and I refuse to go to sleep and let something kill me. Staying alert is key, right? And yes I know that I am way behind on that show and the whole world is obsessed with it. I just think Millie Bobby Brown is the cutest person and I felt that I was cheating if I was a fan of her without watching her show so here I am. but I also agree with twitter user @niallofficial that "hiding behind a pillow for 55 min" is one hundred percent necessary. 

So the actual point of my rambling (yes. sometimes I have a point.) is to talk about my favorite movies and tv shows that you cannot possibly go one more day without watching. you just can't. Okay you probably can, considering I wait for my friends to talk to me about a tv show for about two years before I finally give in and watch it. I'm very used to the "I told you so"s at this point.

Also, I have to warn you (again). I'm an emotional person and these movies and shows are my CHILDREN. Well they're my children if you disregard the fact that they are the most basic films and shows on the planet and I can almost guarantee that you have probably seen all of them. But we all know that I'm a basic teenage girl that goes to concerts and won't stop complaining that "I liked this band before you." 

So here you go, here's a list of really fantastic shows and movies that you need to watch. or watch again.

Now I don't know if you've heard, but THIS IS THE BEST SHOW EVER MADE. seriously. ever. I have seen all 236 episodes a million times and I still laugh. out loud. every single time. It never gets old and I can't tell you how many hours of my life I have spent sitting on my couch alone laughing to the point of TEARS at this show. Its such a feel-good show and I promise once you watch it you'll fall in love. It really makes you feel like you have friends. That's quality television if you ask me.

I'm one hundred percent sure that if we have ever had a conversation you know that I love this show. After my best friend spent literally two years trying to talk me in to watching it, I finally caved. And boy am I glad I did. It's cheesy and dramatic and that kind of fake scary that makes you feel like a grown up for watching it. But seriously it's a really good show and I may or may not have watched it all the way through like four times. And dressed up like Aria for Halloween. And baked really cute cookies for the finale. Here's pictures if you don't believe me.

Anytime someone asks what my favorite movie is (you know because this comes up all the time in daily conversation) this is immediately my response. Funny story- My grandparents actually showed me this movie when I was like seven years old and I fell in love. Well, maybe I just liked the fact that I got to stay up late and watch a PG13 movie. And I didn't even ASK MY MOM. Real talk though that movie is so much fun to watch and the music is fantastic. It's an all time fav and I could watch it a million times. ALSO can we talk about how Meryl Streep isn't in the trailer for the sequel??? I'm deeply offended. Anyways here's a really high quality and quite unfortunate picture from when I got to see the musical on broadway. coolest experience of my life but do wish the photos weren't so tragic... I'm already regretting putting this on the internet.

Another fake scary thing to watch when you want to feel like a grown up. It's funny and really well done and the music is pretty good too. (just like the songs they play. sadly no one's bursting into song in this one). It's a cute story and Dave Franco (lets be real) makes it fantastic. I'm not going to lie I probably watched it four times over winter break and I regret nothing. Highly recommend.

Sooo I don't know if anyone remembers those three months of my life that I sang about wanting adventure in the great wide somewhere every morning but that was all thanks this movie. The score is amazing and it made me fully believe that I was born to be best friends with Emma Watson. March of last year was a really happy time for me, and this movie was such a huge part of my life then. Mostly because I was spending all of my money and all of my weekends at the movie theater watching it over and over again. Every time I here a song from the film it physically WARMS MY HEART. I'm the biggest sucker for Disney movies, and I grew up watching the cartoon version of this one at nap time every single day. Something has always drawn me to Belle, and the way she loved learning and defied societies standards. She has always been so relatable to me, and for a character like that to come back into my life at a time when it felt so necessary was really cool to me. This movie made me so happy and to put it shortly, I 10/10 would recommended. Its on Netflix so you have no excuse for not watching it now.

This one is extremely recent, but one of the best movies I have ever seen in my life. It was one of those movies that you leave with sore cheeks from smiling and the fullest heart. The music makes you want to get up and dance, and the story has the most beautiful message. The kind of "anthem" for the movie is a song called "This is Me." Its about being who you are, no matter what anyone else thinks of you. The whole movie is really about showcasing what makes you unique, and loving one another despite our differences. The message about loving who you are and doing what you love came at a time that I really needed to hear it. It was so empowering, and encouraging to know that there were so many people behind this project, with the soul purpose of getting this message across. Keala Settle played the Bearded Lady in the film, and sang This is Me. She is continuing to spread her positive message of self love, and continues to inspire me every day. And Hugh Jackman. wow. He put so much into this project and it paid off so amazingly well. He is so talented, and this movie was just wonderful with him as the main character. I also can't not talk about Zendaya and Zac Efron. WOWWW I LOVE THEM. They could not have picked a better pair for these roles. Overall I was just so impressed with every part of the movie and soundtrack, its impossible to leave without a smile on your face. I definitely already bought tickets to see it for a third time... but third times a charm right? Again, I have no regrets. Also here's some really cute pictures from the movie that make me really happy.

So there you have it, me being overly sentimental about six different movies/shows that I am fully expecting all of you to go watch/rewatch right this second.

And I'll make it super easy for you!! here's how I watched each one:
FRIENDS: Netflix
MAMMA MIA: on dvd (sorry that's literally no help)
NERVE: Amazon Prime Video
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: Netflix!!! No excuses!!!
THE GREATEST SHOWMAN: yes I paid ten bucks for a movie ticket three separate times but I PROMISE ITS WORTH IT

If I talked about anything you haven't seen (unlikely) and you end up watching it please let me know!! I'd love to know if you like it or not!! AND leave some comments of good shows and movies I should watch!! I might finally end up watching them in like 2020 but that's okay. I pinky promise I'll try my best to watch anything you recommend me;)

Thank you sooo much for reading!!!
Make sure you follow using your google account in the sidebar;)
xoxo, em

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

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