
Saturday, November 25, 2017

another day another tour.

wow I wish I didn't start every post by having to address the fact that's in been way too long since my last one... I'm working on it.

Anyways. A couple of weeks ago I had one of the coolest experiences of my life, and it didn't happen if you don't post about it online right??

I'm sure a lot of you have heard of Jess and Gabriel Conte, but if you haven't, ummm where have you been? I'm kidding, but seriously go check them out!! I'll make it easy, here are their channels;)

This summer they posted a video announcing their tour. My sister and I watched the video in the car, using all of our data for the month, while my mom continued to tell us that their announcement must be a baby. (she was wrong.. obviously). A few days later we were on the phone with all of our friends and buying tickets. We were SO excited, but November seems like ages away at the time..

But November 11th came quick, and we were all up early and headed for downtown by 9am. After a Kroger run for flowers, an hour drive downtown, and a long wait outside, Sebastian and Zenna came out to talk to all of us. Apparently the venue hadn't set up anything for them, and that's why we were having to wait outside for almost two extra hours. Minor setback. It was completely fine though because they were seriously the nicest people; so so kind and easy to talk to. They made everyone feel so comfortable and happy.

Sebastion!! Thank you for being the nicest!! I promise I'll bring you flowers next tour;)

I didn't get a pic with Zenna but she was seriously so sweet and funny, for sure will next time!!

After a little more waiting they finally came into the room. Its the weirdest thing to see someone in person that you've only ever seen on a screen.. like.. they're real!! I was the last of my friends to meet them, and I didn't think I would be nervous, but when it was almost my turn I was getting so many butterflies!!

They turned to me and I walked up and gave Jess a hug and handed her the flowers. She smiled so big when she saw them and thanked me. I hugged Gabe next, and not sound creepy or anything but he smells like an Abercrombie model.. that's so weird to say okay ANYWAYS...

After we hugged all my nerves were gone, they were so easy to talk to, and so focused on the conversation. Almost like they were normal!! people!! (crazy, I know). The one thing I really wanted them to know was how much they've inspired me by talking about their faith. This is about to get so cheesy, but they were the honestly the first people who I had ever heard talk about their faith so openly. Before I started watching them, the thought never really occurred to me to sit down and open my bible. I've always prayed and gone to church, but I'd always just kind of done it, like it wasn't something I put much thought in to. After I started watching their videos, and seeing how their faith had changed their lives, I really started wanting to have a relationship with God. I started reading my bible almost everyday, and I looking forward to church on Sundays. So as cheesy and cliché as it sounds, I really wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for them. And I finally got to tell them that. They told me that meant a lot to them, and I was so genuinely happy in that moment. We took pictures, then moved to the side to let everyone else have their time.

Everything was set up in the same room, so we just hung out and bought merch and stuff while they finished the meet and greets. Once that was over they did their little q&a on stage. They're so funny in person, we all kept saying it was like watching a vlog in real life. They left so the general admission could be let in, then eventually returned for the show. I laughed the entire time, it was one of the happiest experiences I think I've ever had. We talked to the sweetest girls behind us, and danced and sang together the whole show. The whole show was about love. Giving love. Showing love. Feeling love. The love I felt in that room was nothing short of beautiful. It was such a safe environment, I could not have been happier. (cheesy part two).

The hands-down best part of the show was when they started talking about our love for God, and His love for us. They sang Ever Be, which is an incredible worship song. (listen to it, its seriously so beautiful). By the end of the song, the entire crowd was singing every word to the chorus. God was so present, I've really never experienced anything like it. Before this, I had never cried at a show before. Not at Ariana Grande, not at Harry, never. I don't know I'm just not the biggest crier in the world.. But something about hearing the crowd singing so beautifully and hugging all of my best friends while the people that inspired to me to have a relationship with God in the first place sang this amazing worship song... I just got sooo emotional. But like.. how cool is that?? That God used something like youtube videos and music to bring all of these people together.. amazing.

Jess and Gabe, if somehow you ever end up reading this, thank you. I really cant tell you how much it means to me that you talk about your faith so openly. Your love and light have touched me, and so many others, in ways I don't know that you'll ever fully understand. The world needs more people like the two of you. Please never stop loving and laughing and sharing your gifts with the world<3

So that's my little story of one of the best days I've had so far..
Thank you guys for reading!!
and if you want to tweet this to Jess and Gabe, I'd love you for it;)
keep smiling lovelies!! xoxo, em

"For he called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light." 1 Peter 2:9

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