
Sunday, September 10, 2017

Be Confident in the Things You Love.

So its been awhile... again. I feel like so much has happened since we last talked! So real quick I'll address a couple things- First of all I hope you're having a good school year so far! I know its an adjustment and it can be hard (it has been for me!) but I hope you're all making the best of it and finding your way around okay. Second, if any of you were affected by Hurricane Harvey, please know that you are in the prayers of so many people right now! If there is any thing I can do to help, please let me know!! For those of you who were not affected, I encourage you to find a local charity to donate to or volunteer at- a little can go such a long way:)

ANYWAYS now lets get to the actual point.

Recently, especially being back in an environment like high school, I've really noticed how much judgement there is in the world, and how easily we are affected by the thoughts and opinions of the people around us. As I had been thinking about that, I came across a video that I thought really put it into perspective. Its by a youtuber, Olivia Jade, who is a high school girl with almost one million subscribers on her youtube channel. She talked about how she lost a lot of friends, and really struggled with people's reaction to the growth of her channel. I'm totally not explaining this well, you should definitely watch the video here, but her main message was basically to just do what makes you happy. In the end, its so much better to do something you're passionate about, rather than trying to please others.

It really meant a lot to me to hear someone, especially someone still in high school, talk about that. She knows exactly what its like to feel judged, or embarrassed about something that makes her happy. I think that's why it was so relatable. Sometimes its comforting to know that other people are experiencing the same feelings as you.

I'm still in my first month of tenth grade, so I don't even really know what I'm talking about, but high school is so weird. We worry SO much about what other people might say or think, when in reality it won't matter at all in a few years. And while I do believe that, I'm being incredibly hypocritical by saying it. I promise I know its not that easy to just not care. Its scary to put yourself out there! When I was in like fifth grade, I discovered Bethany Mota. I was in love wither videos, I thought it was so cool that she was so confident in herself and in her videos. I wanted to do that so badly. I actually made up my mind that was going to do it. Now as you can tell, I'm not a famous beauty vlogger... but I spent a good three or four years of my life wishing I could find the confidence to make videos. And its funny because I wanted it so bad, but somehow I had more fear than desire. I still struggle with that too, so trust me when I say I know what its like to feel insecure. I think even the people we think are the most confident people in the world know what its like to be insecure. Confidence isn't something that just one day comes to you and stays forever. We all have a good days and bad days. and that's okay!! but as you grow, I think eventually you start to have more good.
(I think. because once again, do I really know?) And who knows maybe one day I'll be the next like Laur DIY or Jess Conte?? lol

I'll be honest, I was even nervous to tell anyone about this blog. I wrote my first post probably three months before I posted it. I would worry that my friends might think I was bad at writing or that people at school would think it was weird. And I'm still not completely over that. I wait for a moment of confidence to post, and then feel insecure afterwards. But I love writing. I have so much fun finding things to talk about on here. I know I'm not the best at it, but no one ever as is right away.  I love the learning process. And I come closer and closer everyday to the full realization that THATS ALL THAT MATTERS. Your passions and your happiness are so much more important than what the kids at school might say.

On the other side of that, if your friend is excited about something, BE HAPPY FOR THEM. There is absolutely no reason to make them feel bad about themselves for doing what they love, so don't do it. Real friends care about each others' happiness above anything else.

I just really want to get the point across that I know that it can be so hard to be scared to walk down the hallways at school because someone might make fun of you. I know that there are always going to be people that have something negative to say. and I know that having that knowledge doesn't make it easier to deal with. I totally get it, you're not at all alone in feeling that way. But I have also seen that is possible to overcome. And I believe that myself, and each of you have the ability to overcome it.

I also want to encourage those of you who look to God to just pray about it. When you feel down on yourself, try to remember that God created you, and you will always be so beautiful and so loved in His eyes. That will always be something that helps me feel so much better.

WOW that got a little personal I kind of wasn't expecting that! lol I hope this was helpful to someone at least a little bit! If any of you ever ever ever need someone to talk to I encourage you to find someone you trust. And you can always talk to me if you want to. not that any of you probably do but seriously I would love to chat anytime!!


thank you so much for reading!!
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xoxo, em

"My soul finds rest in God alone, because my confidence comes from Him" (Psalm 62:5)

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