
Tuesday, July 18, 2017



wow I already suck at this. okay. so. I pretty much just wanted to start blogging as a hobby. I like writing (the fun kind, not the essays my english teacher keeps giving me 75s on) and I tend to have a lot to say so here I am. I also needed another method of procrastination because Pretty Little Liars ended and after watching it three times all the way through I think its safe to say I need something else to keep me busy. ANYWAYS. we need to get this boring "nice to meet you" post out of the way so here we go- I promise I'll make it quick.

Hello Hello my name is Emily and I'm a fifteen year old soon-to-be sophomore from Houston, Texas. Yes I'm from Texas. I do say "y'all". No I don't ride a tractor to school and no I don't have a barn OR cows. we good?

I'm on my schools dance team- but its not the kind of texas drill team that wears plastic boots and cowgirl hats on the field (not that I haven't anything against that- I personally love them a lot). I'm also an okay student: my teachers like me, my grades are pretty good and I study occasionally. but school and I don't really go together. I hate geometry and I spend all of Spanish looking up ridiculous sentences in the Spanish-English dictionary. But I'm surviving and I'm fine with it.

The things most important to me are as follows: God, family, my true friends, MUSIC, traveling, sleep, fro yo, and one direction.
I will always keep these thing close to my heart. They make me, well, me. even though I'm young  and still finding who I am.

so let me explain these little loves of mine.
GOD- my faith is so important to me and I'm loving finding my way to Christ:)
family- my fam is my fav, we fight some times but I have no idea what I would do without them. I love them so so so much and I'm so lucky to have them.
true friends- hard to find, but once you've got them, never let them go
music- gets me through anything. its among our few greatest gifts.
traveling- I consider myself fortunate to have traveled to the places I have, but I'm no where near done. I cant wait to see more of our beautiful world!!
sleep- my pillow is my bff
fro yo- if you need an explanation for this one you obviously don't know where to get good fro yo
one direction- I love them and their music so much. this hiatus is not okay. its a problem. moving on.

I also freaking love concerts. I am a fangirl by nature and will never pass up the opportunity to see my favorite artists live (unless, of course, my wallet is empty- which would not at all surprise me). But there is something about standing in a room full of strangers who are all screaming every word to your favorite songs. and having the artist feet away from you. Its one of my favorite feelings in the world and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.

and the last thing you should know about me is that I'm a dreamer. I want to do big things and go big places. I don't think I come off that way to most people, maybe not even my friends, but I'm constantly dreaming of a trips I'm going to take and people I'm going to meet. I have a pinterest board for just about everything and thinking up unrealistic scenarios is my specialty. I love thinking about these things, but I'm ready to do them. I'm ready to learn to make things happen, instead of sitting in my room imagining them.
but that's still in the works...

So there you have it ladies and gents. or just lady. (thx mom). That's my life in a nutshell. Not that exciting but, like I told you, we had to get it out of the way.

Thanks a million for reading if anyone actually did!
until next time friend(s?)
xoxo em