
Tuesday, July 25, 2017


(quick note: I wrote this on my phone so I apologize for any typos!! my computer was not loving me. okay. carry on.)


Hello lovelies welcome back!! I absolutely LIVE for hearing people's stories about traveling, so I thought I would share a few of my own! Now don't get too excited, I'm no world traveler. But I did really enjoy visiting San Francisco last week, so enjoy!!

Let me just preface by saying, when people say to dress in layers, THEY MEAN IT. You guys it was so cold, especially coming from 100 degree heat in Texas. Yet somehow I got the worst sunburn ever on the first day and looked like a tomato the rest of the trip.. so when you figure out how that's possible let me know because I'm still confused.

ANYWAYS. Our first morning in the city we were up fairly early and on a mission to find breakfast, I just wasn't told it would be THREE HOURS before we actually got to eat. If you know me at all you that breakfast is very important to me. That being said, I did not take this lightly. But after all the walking and waiting we did, it ended up being SO WORTH IT. We found this tiny little breakfast restaurant that's been there for ages. The moment we walked in every single person there made us feel like family. They laughed and joked with us and we're some of the most genuinely kind people I've ever met. AND THE FOOD. The food was amazing. I still think about it late at night... three hours for that was nothing. Good things come to those who wait, right??
So to everyone working at Mama's, you rock. and your omelettes rock too. 

After that awesome breakfast I was back and focused on my one goal: I was going to walk across the Golden Gate bridge and no one was stopping me. Until my mom stopped me by telling me we had to walk five miles just to get to the start of the bridge... but after a little convincing and a few dropouts (dad, brother, sister, you're the smart ones), we were ready to go. Shortly after we started walking I realized that high top converse might not have been the best decision.. seriously if you ever visit, just wear your tennis shoes. Yeah yeah I know it ruins the outfit but I promise the blistered and bleeding feet were so not worth it. I'm not really sure if five miles sounds far to you, maybe some athletic people out there think it's nothing, but if you're as out of shape as I am and in uncomfortable shoes, ITS FAR. After a little complaining, a lot of hills, and an eternity, we finally made it to the start of the bridge. I was SO excited. It really is crazy to see something you've looked at pictures of your entire life in person (Harry Styles, you're next). We took a few pictures, and some deep breathes and were ready to cross the iconic bridge.

The view from the bridge was incredible. The entire city we had just walked through now seemed tiny. I've pretty much overcome my fear of heights (face your fears kids!!), but I'm not gonna lie, looking down from that bridge is slightly terrifying. So I suggest just taking in the view, because it's one you'll never forget. But still hold on.

When we finally reached the other side and got to a restaurant to eat, we were EXHAUSTED. We had walked a total of thirteen miles that day.. and once again for someone as unathletic as me, that's a lot. As tired as we were, I loved the feeling of our little "cheers!" as we talked about everything we had done that day. We felt so accomplished! and I knew I would remember that day and that moment for a really long time. and then the rest of my family's uber pulled up... like ten minutes after they said they left... BUT THE VIEW WAS STILL WORTH IT.

Waking up the next morning I could barely walk and as I mentioned before, my face was an actual tomato... but thanks to a little makeup (okay maybe a lot), we still got some pretty pictures on Alcatraz Island and in front of the iconic painted ladies!! 

The next morning we packed up our little minivan and headed to see the redwoods and Napa Valley!!  They were both absolutely gorgeous and we had so much fun!! Us kids had a lot of water though.. apparently wineries aren't really thinking about the kids?? rude.

Not much but that was time in San Fran!! I loved it and I can't wait to go back one day:) 

look out for part 2 next week!!
its definitely longer...
thanks for reading:) 
xoxo, em

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